Kerala PSC has published the shortlist of Engineering Assistant Grade 2(special recruitment from ST only) in Kerala State Construction Corporation Limited. On the basis of the written test conducted on 12th December 2019 the candidates were shortlisted. Aspirants who are included in the main list of the shortlist will present with their original documents in the time of verification and interview purposes.
Details regarding the Assistant Grade 2 in Kerala State Construction Corporation Limited exam
Name of the post- Engineering Assistant Grade 2(special recruitment from ST only)
Department : Kerala State Construction Corporation Limited
Category No.: 96/2018
Recruitment : Direct
Educational Qualifications : Civil engineering -Diploma 3years(recognized by govt of kerala)
Number of vacancies : 1
Exam conducted on : 12-12-2019
Cutoff :15.33
Go through official website: www.keralapsc.gov.in
The shortlist was published on 27th January 2021.A main list of 20 candidates are published it includes 20 candidates. Those provisionally eligible candidates can call for the interview to verifications.
Candidates can download the below pdf for more details.