Kerala PSC has published the Interview date for Junior Instructor (Machinist) 2021.The interview is for the selected candidates after clearing the previous rounds of exams. For those candidates who are waiting for the results can go through the below pdf.
Candidates must come with necessary documents for the interview process conducted by Kerala PSC. The interview is scheduled to conduct on 2,3,4,of march 2021 at Kerala PSC head office Trivandrum.
Details of Interview
Name Details
Authority Kerala PSC
Post Junior Mechanist
Type Governmental
Department Industrial training
Category no. 549/17
Date of interview 2-3-2021,3-3-2021,4-3-2021, 9-3-2021
Location Headquarters of Kerala PSC Trivandrum
All the candidates must ensure to strictly follow the Covid 19 safety protocol.
It is mandatory for all the candidates to wear a mask and hand gloves. Moreover, he/she must carry a bottle of hand sanitizer for personal use.
The candidates must fill the CoVid 19 Questionnaire form and upload in their respective profiles.