Kerala PSC has released the rank list of lower division clerk (cat.no.391/2018) SR for ST in Kannur District.41 candidates are included in the rank list. The list will be brought into force from 8-02-2021. Check the below pdf in detail about the listed candidates.
Ranked List for the post of LDC(SR FOR ST ONLY) on Rs. 19000-43600 in VARIOUS departments in KANNUR district. The following is the list of candidates for selection to the post of Lower Division Clerk(SR FOR ST ONLY)(Cat.No 391/2018) on Rs.19000-43600 in VARIOUS Department in Kannur District, found suitable by the Commission and arranged in the order of merit on the basis of OMR Test held on 10/01/2020 and One Time Verification held thereafter. This Ranked List is brought into force with effect from 08/02/2021.
Events Details
Name of post LDC (SR for ST)
Department Various
Notification came 31-12-2018
Number of vacancy Kannur-01(ST) Palakkad-08(ST)
Scale of Pay 19,000-43600/-
Qualification SSLC/ Equivalent
Exam Conducted 10-1-2020
Short list released 08-12-2020
Cutoff 50.67
Candidates can download the below PDF for free and check the list in detail.
TALENT ACADEMY’S LDC ONLINE AND OFFLINE CLASSES ARE ALREADY ACTIVE, Candidates can learn through class room coaching with Covid protocols for class room coaching you can contact on 8590575713.And For Online coaching follow – LDCPRELIMS & MAINS